
Thursday, March 2, 2017

Science: Cell

- Living & Non living:
We are all surrounded by non living and living things, some non living things show one or two of these seven characteristics of a living organism, a washing machine is and example. All living organisms contain living cells, all living organisms can either move on their own, grow, reproduce, respire and excrete. Non-living things can also move but this only happened through energy but are not living, they can't move on their on unless its powered.

- Cell structure:
The cell structures for a plant and animal cell is different. As you can see in the picture a plant cell contains more organisms than an animal cell, having 3 more cell organisms being Cellulose cell wall, Vacuole and Chloroplasts.
 Image result for plant cell and animal cell simple
 Functions of cell parts (organelles)
Their are many functions to a cell, the main organelle that controls the cell is the nucleus, the nucleus is basically the control center of the whole cell, next is the Mitochondria this give the cell energy, the cell membrane holds everything in side and the vacuole helps keep the cell firm, the chloroplast works to convert energy from the sun into sugar that can be used by cells, which is called photosynthesis. Animals cells don't contain any chloroplast.
Image result for function of cell parts
By ; Kacia & Keti

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